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The Fight Over Vouchers Is An Existential Battle For Americas Public Schools Opinion

## The fight over vouchers is an existential battle for America’s public schools | Opinion **By: Anonymous** **Introduction:** The debate over school vouchers has been raging for decades, with no end in sight. Proponents of vouchers argue that they give parents more choice and flexibility in their children's education, while opponents argue that they drain resources from public schools and create a two-tiered system of education. **What are school vouchers?** School vouchers are government-funded scholarships that can be used to pay for private school tuition. They are typically given to low-income families, but some states also offer them to all families. **Arguments In Favor of Vouchers:** Proponents of vouchers argue that they give parents more choice and flexibility in their children's education. They also argue that vouchers can improve the quality of education for all students, by creating competition between public and private schools. **Arguments Against Vouchers:** Opponents of vouchers argue that they drain resources from public schools and create a two-tiered system of education. They also argue that vouchers can lead to discrimination against students with disabilities or special needs. **The Future of Vouchers:** The future of school vouchers is uncertain. In recent years, several states have expanded their voucher programs, while others have rejected them. The debate over vouchers is likely to continue for many years to come. **The fight over vouchers is an existential battle for America’s public schools:** The fight over school vouchers is not just about the future of education in America. It is also about the future of democracy in America. Public schools are the cornerstone of our democracy. They are the places where our children learn the skills they need to be successful citizens. They are also the places where our children learn about the importance of citizenship and civic engagement. Vouchers threaten the future of public schools. They will drain resources from public schools and create a two-tiered system of education, with the wealthy attending private schools and the poor attending underfunded public schools. This will have a devastating impact on our democracy. An uneducated citizenry is a threat to democracy. A two-tiered system of education will only exacerbate the already deep divisions in our society. The fight over vouchers is an existential battle for America’s public schools. It is also a battle for the future of our democracy. **Conclusion:** The fight over school vouchers is a complex and contentious issue. There are no easy answers, and both sides of the debate have valid points. However, it is important to remember that the stakes are high. The future of our public schools, and the future of our democracy, depend on the outcome of this battle.
