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Advent Wreath Deutsch

Advent Wreath: A German Christmas Tradition

Origins and History

The Advent wreath, a beloved Christmas tradition in Germany, originated in the 19th century. It is said that Johann Hinrich Wichern, a Lutheran pastor, created the first Advent wreath in 1839 to help children understand the time leading up to Christmas. He used a wooden wheel with 19 small red candles and four large white candles. Each day, a small candle would be lit, representing a day of Advent.


The Advent wreath is a symbol of hope, faith, joy, and love. The circular shape represents eternity, while the evergreen branches symbolize everlasting life. The four candles represent the four Sundays of Advent, each with a specific meaning:

  • First Sunday: Hope
  • Second Sunday: Peace
  • Third Sunday: Joy
  • Fourth Sunday: Love


In Germany, the Advent wreath is placed in a prominent location in the home, often on the dining table or a shelf. The first candle is lit on the first Sunday of Advent, and one additional candle is lit each subsequent Sunday. Families often gather around the wreath each evening to sing Christmas carols and reflect on the meaning of the season.

Cultural Significance

The Advent wreath has become an integral part of German Christmas celebrations. It provides a visual reminder of the passage of time leading up to Christmas and helps to create a sense of anticipation and joy. The wreath also serves as a symbol of unity and community, as families and friends come together to share the warmth and light of the Advent candles.
